Journal of Textile Research ›› 2022, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (07): 162-169.doi: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20210705809

• Apparel Engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

IP marketing strategy for clothing brands based on SIPS model

JIANG Runtian1,2, JIN Peng2(), WU Yan1, CHEN En3   

  1. 1. School of Design, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214122, China
    2. College of Fashion and Design, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China
    3. Jiangsu Zhuri Textile Group, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214400, China
  • Received:2021-07-19 Revised:2022-04-09 Online:2022-07-15 Published:2022-07-29
  • Contact: JIN Peng


Aiming at the lack of systematic layout of clothing brand IP marketing strategy, this paper puts forward clothing brand IP marketing strategy based on SIPS consumer behavior analysis theory. The IP marketing strategy of clothing brand was divided into three dimensions, i.e. content, form and drainage. Combined with SIPS theory, the logical relationship and layout of the three-dimensional strategy were modified, and three IP marketing content strategies, five form strategies and four drainage strategies were obtained. The characteristics and effectiveness of each dimension strategy were extracted, and the clothing brand IP marketing strategy based on SIPS theory was put forward. The research results show that after the implementation of the IP marketing strategy guided by the model, the omni-channel reading volume and sales volume of a commercial project are greatly improved. After the implementation of the marketing strategy for the first time, the number of readers, times and sales volume of the brand are increased by 180.5%, 178.9% and 389.7%, respectively. The adjustment strategy of clothing brand according to its own positioning, consumer groups and marketing objectives can provide enlightenment for the sustainable and vertical development of the brand.

Key words: SIPS model, consumer behavior, clothing brand, IP marketing, marketing strategy

CLC Number: 

  • TS941.1


Interpretation of clothing brand IP marketing strategy framework"


Analysis of IP marketing content strategy of clothing brand"

服装品牌 设计元素 设计内容 设计特点 设计目的
产品型IP Adidas SUPERSTAR篮球鞋[15] 设计不规则凸状纹理结合六爪纹的贝壳头 具有独特设计辨识性与功能保护性 与用户产生共鸣,形成良好的粉丝生态,扩大品牌知名度与加大传播力度和渗透率
品牌型IP Pancoat 波比盼、法斗老板、塞雷、布凯尔小姐、阿Two[16] 设计代表不同性别、职业、性格特点的动物 体现品牌价值观制定与目标消费人群相关的性格标签
人格型IP CHINSTUDIO 雪梨[17] 关注消费者需求与其互动交流 体现个人价值主张与品牌理念


Analysis of IP marketing strategy of clothing brand"

形式策略 策略内容 服装品牌 服装系列
联名 设计师联名 李宁 李宁×CHIZHANG
品牌联名 Nike Nike×Supreme
艺术家联名 乐町 乐町×Ton Mak
多方联名 Uniqlo Uniqlo×Disney×Ambush
IP授权 影视IP授权 太平鸟 太平鸟×花木兰
作家IP授权 Uniqlo Uniqlo×村上春树
博物馆IP授权 Uniqlo×MusÉe du Louvre
漫画IP授权 Uniqlo×《SNOOPY》
游戏IP授权 Uniqlo×《我的世界》


Analysis of IP marketing drainage strategy of clothing brand"

引流策略 品牌名称 引流内容
联合意见领袖 乐町 偶像虞书欣代言品牌[18]
Burberry Lil Miquela虚拟时尚博主拍摄形象[19]
Moncler 圈层头部KOL藤原浩联合品牌推广
参与事件与节点 海澜之家 参与《2021年春节联欢晚会》小品与影视作品《唐人街探案3》的品牌赞助[21]
合作泛娱乐行业 GUCCI 创作手游《网球达人》系列玩家的虚拟装备
打造线上线下一体化 Nike×CLOT 线上媒体平台推广宣传,线下JUICE北京与JUICE THE BOX上海举办NIKE×CLOT“LIONDANCE”快闪店


Comparative analysis of different marketing strategies"

策略分类 策略形式 营销基础 营销方式 营销特点 营销目的
内容策略 产品型IP
形式策略 设计师联名 各方价值观协同,链接点契合 精准营销
创新设计理念,引导前瞻性 提升服装品牌产品力与品牌力
品牌联名 提升溢价能力,获得跨圈层客群
艺术家联名 创造文化符号,打造产品稀缺性
多方联名 塑造稀缺产品,突出纪念与象征意义
IP授权 降低获客成本,形成差异化优势
引流策略 联合意见领袖 互动营销
介入引导者视角操作品牌 实现服装品牌的用户拉新、内容制造、流量获取、个性服务、品牌宣传与销售转化
参与事件与节点 塑造可持续性的事件与节点
合作泛娱乐行业 构建娱乐思维重塑服装品牌
打造线上线下一体化 实现覆盖全媒体的全场景营销


IP marketing layout based on SIPS model"


Brand Y IP image. (a) Type of trendy fashion; (b)Type of classic business; (c)Type of entertainment and leisure"


Official publicity copy of Y brand. (a) Promotion ambassador IP image; (b) Holiday topic T-shirt"


Simple KOL exhibition clock"


Official data change chart of Y brand evaluation index"


Data analysis of twice strategy effect"

策略 日期 评价指标 数据 环比增长速度/% 环比发展速度/%
六一节点话题推广 5月25日—5月31日 阅读次数 32 977
阅读人数 29 812
全渠道销售量/件 136
6月1日—6月7日 阅读次数 59 525 80.5 180.5
阅读人数 53 354 78.9 178.9
全渠道销售量/件 530 289.7 389.7
线下展会KOL打卡 6月25日—7月1日 阅读次数 87 649
阅读人数 80 335
全渠道销售量/件 412
7月2日—7月8日 阅读次数 133 125 51.8 151.8
阅读人数 116 789 45.3 145.3
全渠道销售量/件 792 92.2 192.2
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