纺织学报 ›› 2006, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (10): 117-120.

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  1. 1.江南大学纺织服装学院 江苏无锡214122;2.北京服装学院 北京100029
  • 收稿日期:2005-12-06 修回日期:2006-03-15 出版日期:2006-10-15 发布日期:2006-10-15

Investigation into the folk skirts in the central plain of Shanxi,southern mountainous areas of Anhui,southern areas of Yangtze River in Neoteric China

CUI Rong-rong;GUO Ping-jian   

  1. 1.Institute of Textile and Clothing;Southern Yangtze University;Wuxi;Jiangsu 214122;China;2.Beijing University of Clothing Technology;Beijing 100029;China
  • Received:2005-12-06 Revised:2006-03-15 Online:2006-10-15 Published:2006-10-15

摘要: 基于江南大学民间服饰传习馆收藏的裙装,对中国近代民间裙装进行研究。通过对中原晋中地区、皖南山区及江南水乡地区的女性裙装进行统计对比,分别从不同地域裙装的形制、色彩、材质、装饰细节等角度进行对比,分析其审美与实用价值的独到之处和侧重点,结合地域文化的渊源关系进行深入探讨和比较,集中表现中国传统手工艺的精湛和人们对美好事物向往与追求的精神,折射出这些地区各富特色的、丰富的民间和民俗服饰文化内涵。

Abstract: This study on the folk skirts in Neoteric China was based on the collections in Folk Costume Studio of Southern Yangtze University.Comparisons of the female skirts in the central plain of Shanxi,southern mountainous areas of Anhui,southern areas of Yangtze River were made according to their formations,colors,fabrics and ornaments.Aesthetic and applicable values were analyzed.They reflect the delication of Chinese traditional handicraft art and persistence to beauty of Chinese people and demonstrate the rich,characteristic cultural essence of the folk clothing in these regins.

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